Welcome to the Dalriadan War. Don't feel bad if you are a bit lost. War gets confusing, especially war in space. It is often difficulty to keep track of what is happening, when it is happening, and where. Some things to keep in mind: The early stages of the Dalriadan War occur along a roughly 200 LY long section of the border between the Dalriadan Alliance and the United Federation of Planets. Attacks are occuring simultaneously in many systems across this region, creating multiple theaters of conflict. There were a number of relatively small Federation colonies which were invaded and overrun over the first three days of the war, as dates from the stardate on which USS LEXINGTON was destroyed. USS LEXINGTON is now generally considered the first Federation casualty of the war. Although the war arguably started with earlier escalations in hostilities, it is generally accepted that the vote of the Dalriadan Parliament for war some five days before the LEXINGTON was destroyed is the official start of the war, though most events are dated from the first combat of the war, that between the Royal Dalriadan Navy heavy cruiser HMS VORTEX and USS LEXINGTON. The three most important systems attacked by Alliance forces in the opening stages of the war were the Tabillin system, a strategically located trading outpost; the Dante system, one of the most heavily armed systems in the Federation frontier; and the Terebellum system, home of Starbase OMEGA and INDIGO Fleet Command. Tabillin fell quickly to overwhelming Alliance forces and would be held throughout the war by the Dalriada. The Dante system was invaded by the largest early first wave invasion fleet. However, the attack on the system prooved to be a feint aimed at drawing ships away from the defence of Starbase OMEGA. The actions in the Terebellum system itself were the most confusing. USS NOVA recovered Captain J. Robert Brooks from a little-known infiltration mission to the Dalriadan Alliance. The captain brought back large amounts of intelligence data about the Dalriadan naval technology as well as important information about a Dalriadan spy: Rear Admiral James Phaser, the executive officer of INDIGO Fleet. Meanwhile, the USS YAMATO has been on a secret mission to the Burrakis system. The Burrakis system is the only known source of the substance known as bursite: a source of almost unlimited power which the Dalriada now control.